Who am I ?

Who am I ?

Hey I’m Amanda and I’m a lifestyle, travel and fashion blogger spending my time between Taiwan and Paris.

What brought me over here?

Well, I have lived in Paris for a year and I want to record everything in my life. That’s why I’m right here! Working on my blog, Instagram, and of course, with an open tab usually open on a creative director of Émffei too. Émffei is gonna refund.

I started my blog as a way to get to know Paris and to hopefully make some friends along the way. The good news is that it’s worked out in my favorite. I’ve met amazing incredible people who I know call my best friends. And I know Paris like the back of my hand – even though there’s always more to explore.

What to expect here?

On my blog, you’ll find posts on a range of topics such as travel, lifestyle and all about me. Those think-piece posts, well, I love writing them. I like talking about how I’m feeling and updates on what’s happening with my life in between the travel and my London adventures. I’m also looking forward to sharing more about my new 
career of Émffei over the next few months. I have thrown myself into the area as much as I’d love, so that’s something I’m excited to get stuck into that I still trying to figure this out.

Where to find me?

I can be found in one of two places. Home or I’m off exploring somewhere new. I love visiting new cities, towns, countries and even revisiting familiar spaces that I’ve been before. The amazing thing about travel is that you can keep discovering every time you visit. 

All of this, I like to do with a glass of coffee in one hand, and my phone open on Instagram in the other.

Thanks for stopping by and as always, feel free to get in touch for a chat in my DMs or email about working together.

Catch you soon!

Ms. Amanda. xoxo

What kind of style of me?

Make it simple, but significant. My style is vintage of french, casual, comfortable and a bit edgy. I am a girl who enjoys city life, traveling as much as possible, quiet moments at home and everything that I create the brand of mine in between. 

What kind of value that I hope you can get in here?

My blog first started out as only fashion but over few years it has grown to include the lifestyle aspect of my everyday life, including photo of my works and travel posts and love that you guys are such a large part of it.

I help women live their best lives by sharing everything from wellness & beauty to business & real-life tips, also I am passionate about helping any self-starter achieve their goals by providing honest conversation and resources for anyone looking to take advantage of the opportunities at their disposal.