
[ Brand ] Jacquemus – Do you know it?


I’m pretty sure that you must saw this small bag in Instagram last year, although you don’t know the brand name is Jacquemus, which you know every celebrities just carry it. Jacuquemus is a brand from South France that is simple and casual romantic style, which is counter-current in the fashion trend; however, it makes all fashion people cheer for it. So today I want to share with you guys this Jacquemus.

我很確定您去年必須在Instagram上看到這個小包包,儘管您不知道品牌名稱Jacquemus,您知道每個名人都隨身攜帶它。 Jacuquemus是來自法國南部的品牌,其簡約休閒的浪漫風格與時尚潮流背道而馳; 但是,這使所有時尚人士都為之歡呼。 今天就來和大家分享這個 Jacquemus。

History & Founder

Self-taught French designer Simon Porte Jacquemus has sent a fresh breeze through Paris’ frontrow, taking the fashion world by storm with his sunny disposition and unapologetic, honest and personal celebration of his native South of France.

His eponymous label is an ode to his late mother, and has since its inception 2009 (when Jacquemus was only 19 years old) really come into its own. Jacquemus modernist and spirited take on womenwear coupled with stroke of genius accessories, second to none campaigns and a totally awe-inspiring Instagram feed has rendered literally every collection a social media phenomenon. With over 1.2 million followers the aesthetically pleasing feed invites followers behind the scenes featuring candid snapshots of Jacquemus and his inner circle, alongside his well-received campaigns, and childhood throwback posts.

自學成才的法國設計師 Simon Porte Jacquemus,透過巴黎的前行帶來了新鮮的微風,以他陽光明媚的性格以及對他的祖國法國南部的喜愛,誠實席捲了時尚界。

他的同名品牌是對已故母親的頌歌,自2009年成立以來,當時Jacquemus只有19歲,就真正成為了自己的名字。 雅克姆斯(Jacquemus)具有現代主義氣息的女裝,加上天才的配飾,首屈一指的廣告系列,以及令人敬畏的 Instagram 提要,幾乎使每個系列成為一種社交媒體現象。 這個吸引人的訂閱源具有超過120萬的關注者,從美學上令人愉悅,它在後台吸引了關注者,其中包括雅克穆斯及其內心圈子的坦率快照,以及他廣受歡迎的廣告系列和童年的貼文。

Simon Porte Jacquemus comes from the countryside of southern France, has no prominent background, nor is he a graduate of a well-known fashion school, but he has a romantic gene and innate design talent. Simon’s design is inspired by the French girl in his heart, who is his mother. He this that french girl is not the stereotypical Parisian girl, but the French girl who has not been influenced by the modern network, instead she yearns for natural, casual, true and simple.

He said ”My mother is the most warm person in my life and a little childish. She puts a scarf on her head, a pair of ceramic earrings hangs around her neck, and the shawl is tied casually around her waist.”

Simon used curtains to make clothes for his mother when he was 8 years old, which is opened his design life. At the age of 18, his mother sold her car to let him go to Paris to study ESMOD’s fashion design courses. Unfortunately, his mother died two months later. He used to be confused, but he got the direction after his mother’s death. At his mother’s funeral, he told his grandmother that he would return to Paris to establish a brand under his mother’s name.

Simon Porte Jacquemus 來自法國南部的鄉村,沒有突出的背景,也沒有畢業於著名的時裝學校,但是他擁有浪漫的基因和與生俱來的設計才能。 他的設計靈感來自於他母親。 他認為法國女孩不是定型的巴黎女孩,而是那個不受現代網絡影響的法國女孩,而是她嚮往自然,休閒,真實和簡單。

他說:「我的母親是我一生中最溫暖的人,有點幼稚。 她把圍巾戴在頭上,脖子上掛著一對陶瓷耳環,披肩隨意地系在腰上。」

Simon 8歲那年用窗簾為母親做衣服,這開啟了他的設計生涯。 18歲那年,他的母親賣掉了自己的汽車,讓他去巴黎學習ESMOD的時裝設計課程。 不幸的是,他的母親在兩個月後去世。 他曾經很困惑,但是他在母親去世後得到了指導。 在母親的葬禮上,他告訴祖母,他將回到巴黎以母親的名字建立品牌。

Simon Porte Jacquemus is born. I can’t believe that he is only older than me of 4 years.

Simon Porte Jacquemus 出生於 1990 年,我真的不敢相信他只比我大 4 歲。

Launches his namesake label Jacquemus at the age of 19.

I have to said he is one of my role model, who is launched his brand in 19 years old, I didn’t remember what am I doing in 19.

他在他19歲時,發表了以他名字為命名的 Jacquemus ,我不得不說他是我的榜樣之一,他在19歲時創立了自己的品牌,我不記得19歲時在做什麼。

Having peaked Rei Kawakubo’s interest with a collection shown in a showroom in Tokyo he hits up Adrian Joffe (president of Comme des Garçons and Dover Street Market), and makes him give him a job in the CDG Paris store to help finance his collections, working on his designs in his spare time and showing during the Paris ready-to-wear collections. He said that Adrian Joffe is one of his important people in his life.

川久保玲(Rei Kawakubo)的興趣在東京的一家陳列室中展示,他與Adrian Joffe(Comme desGarçons和 Dover Street Market 的總裁)打成一片,並讓他在CDG Paris商店工作,以資助他的收藏, 在他的業餘時間進行設計,並在巴黎成衣系列中進行展示。 他說阿德里安·喬夫(Adrian Joffe)是他一生中的重要人物之一。

Jacquemus is a finalist for the LMVH’s Prize for Young Designers.

他得到 LHVM 的年輕設計師獎項

He receives the LVMH Special Jury Prize, and the same year leads a white horse down the runway of his SS16 collection.


The brand is reported to have generated over $5 million in sales.


Jacquemus’ SS18 collection is shown sporting the ground-breaking micro handbag Le Chiquito, which later ends up in the hands of Kim Kardashian and Rihanna.

Jacquemus 的SS18系列展示了突破性的超迷你手帶 Le Chiquito,該手袋後來被 金·卡戴珊(Kim Kardashian)和蕾哈娜(Rihanna)拿在手上。

Chloe Wise illustrates his spring campaign, a striking piece of art channeling Riviera Chic. The first even menswear collection ‘Le Gadjo’ is shown and is an instant classic, embraced by the fashion world.

Chloe Wise 展示了他的春季展,是引人入勝的Riviera Chic 藝術作品。 甚至展示了首個男裝系列“ Le Gadjo”,並立即成為經典,受到時尚界的追捧。

Jacquemus creates yet another iconic Instagram moment and makes fashion history by sending his models down a hot-pink runway among the lavender fields of Provençal France for his SS20 collection.

Jacquemus 創造了另一個標誌性的 Instagram 時刻,並通過將自己的模特送往法國普羅旺斯(Provençal)薰衣草田的淡粉紅色跑道上,為其SS20系列創造了時尚歷史。


The extremely mini “nano bag” can’t imagine that it has become popular among celebrities. Even Rihanna, Kim Kardashian, and Irene Kim love to take pictures with it. I think it’s not a bag, for this bag is too small to hold things, which is a good accessory. Le Chiquito bag is only 5cm and it is very eye-catching with brightly colored leather

極迷你「納米袋」,想不到已成為時尚人追捧,就連Rihanna、Kim Kardashian、Irene Kim 都愛拿著拍照,也許這是一件很好的飾物吧。Le Chiquito袋身雖然只有5cm,但配上顏色鮮艷的皮革、都可算是非常搶眼的

This brand was founded less than a decade ago, successfully captured Bella Hadid, Hailey Bieber, Kylie Jenner and other celebrities in a short time.

這個創立不到十年的品牌,在短時間內成功擄獲 Bella Hadid(貝拉哈蒂德)、Hailey Bieber(海莉鮑德溫)、Kylie Jenner(凱莉詹娜)等品味挑惕的時尚咖。

I believe you may have seen this photo, which is Simon’s most famous work in recent years. A straw hat that is as large as a flying saucer and the girl in the photo is elegant and bears wheat skin.

Unexpectedly in this pohot you can see the oversized straw hat showed elegant lines, the spherical wood heels showed a distinctive and childlike image, and in the end the bag that was a small body with an unusually large handle so that you cannot ignore his details. Or you can see a simple and powerful suit, but with a straw hat, carrying a mini bag, telling you this is Jacquemus girls what would they wear.

相信這張照片你可能多少有看過他,這是他近年最有名的作品,一頂大如飛碟的的草帽,照片中一身素雅,擔著小麥肌膚的女孩,已經奠定穿著 Jacquemus 女孩會有什麼樣的樣貌,那頂超大的草帽,意外在畫面中呈現了優雅的線條,而圓球狀的木頭跟鞋展現了與眾不同富有童趣的形象,最後搭配小包體卻有異常大的提把包,讓你不能忽視他的細節。又或者是一身簡潔有力的西裝,卻搭配著草帽,手上提著迷你般的包包,告訴著你這就是 Jacquemus.

Many brand’s designers have created a distance from people in the social media, but Jacquemus’ official Instagram is more like his personal private account. In addition to putting his life status in story, he also post his childhood’s photos in the post. He interpreted the brand in his own unique way, so that people who love fashion can be closer to the atmosphere of his brand.
許多品牌的設計師在社群上,都營造出與人的距離,但 Jacquemus 的官方 Instagram,更像是他個人的私人帳號,除了在現實動態會放上他的生活狀態外,之前還 Po 過個人的兒時相片,他用自己獨特的方式詮釋品牌,讓愛時尚的人能更貼近他品牌的氛圍。

There is a unique mix of confidence and wonderment that comes with this kind of early success—when you can feel at once destined for greatness and frankly stunned that you are getting anywhere at all. “I knew it would happen—I knew it was my life,” Jacquemus says, reflecting quietly on the trajectory of his last few years. “But at the same time, I still have so many things to tell, so many obsessions and stories! It’s the beginning for me.” Jacquemus definitely is another successful person who I want to learn in fashion world, except Anna Wintor is my first person who I wanna be.

這種早期的成功伴隨著獨特的信心和好奇心,當你立刻感到注定要變得偉大時,坦率地感到自己無所不能。 “我知道這將會發生,我知道這就是我的生活,”雅克姆斯說,靜靜地思考著他過去幾年的發展軌跡。 “但是與此同時,我還有很多話要說,還有那麼多迷戀和故事! 這是我的開始。” Jacquemus絕對是我想在時尚界學習的另一個成功人士,除了Anna Wintor是我想成為的第一個人。

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