
Drama – The Good doctor, Dr. Murphy

The good doctor

Recently, I barely watch any drama except this ”The Good Doctor”. This one is the one I really love it and keep waiting to the new series, which I really want to recommend to you.

The good doctor is an adaptation of the 2013 Korean drama, also name of ”Good Doctor”. I guess it probably be the first American drama that adaptation from a Korean drama. In the original Korean version, it took me only two weeks to watch it. In the first season of the US version, it took me only three days to watch it. As you may know how amazing it is.

這部美劇「The Good Doctor」真的是我近期的大推薦!

他是改編 2013 韓國電視劇 「Good Doctor 善良的醫生」,我想這應該是第一部改編韓劇的美國影集,當初韓國版,我只用了兩個星期的時間就看完了,而美國版第一季,僅花了短短三天的時間我就看完了。只能說真的太好看了!

Korean version

[ 劇名 ] : Good Doctor

[ 播送 ] : 韓國 KBS 電視劇

[ 編劇 ] : 朴才範

[ 導演 ] : 李民秀

[ 主演 ] : 周元、文彩元、朱相昱、金珉序

[ 集數 ] : 20 集

[ 簡介 ] : 講述盛元大學醫院小兒外科醫生們的故事。



Park Shi-Wen (Zhou Yuan) is a young man with autism and developmental disorders with a scholar’s syndrome. He has genius perception and cognitive ability.

The plot describes his hard work, overcoming his own difficulties and the prejudice of the world, and eventually growing up as an outstanding pediatrician.

American version

The contents of the US version are:
Describe a young surgeon about to join San Bonaventura Hospital, but his joining caused a major storm in the hospital. Because the 25 years old Shaun Murphy is not the same as a normal person. He is an autistic patient and also has a scholarly syndrome.


描述一名年輕的外科醫生即將加入 San Bonaventura 醫院,但他的加入卻引起了院內一場大風暴。年僅 25 歲的 Shaun Murphy 和一般人不太一樣,他是個自閉患者,還患有學者症候群

Scholar syndrome is a disease of imbalance in the brain. Patients cannot talk to people normally, but they can deal with special abilities that a group of people don’t have, and become a genius. This condition is also called “Idiot savant.”

學者症候群是一種腦內功能不平衡的疾病,患者無法與人正常交談或是對應日常生活,但卻能全力處理某一項一班人所沒有的特殊能力,成為該項的能力天才。這種症況還被稱為 「Idiot savant 痴呆學者」。而 Shaun Murphy 就有著完美的記憶力,過目不忘

I think no matter the Korean version or the American version of the actor, the acting skills are very good. Use their own methods to interpret autistic.


The Korean version of actor is played by “Zhou Yuan”. Zhou Yuan interpreted Park Shiwen’s role as if he were Park Shiwen! Such like the way how he walk, speak and look. I heard that Zhou Yuan is said to be difficult to escape from the role after the drama. You probably can know how he works so hard to join this role.



However, the American version of actor is played by Freddie Highmore that he find his own way to interpret the role who has autism. Such like the interaction with people, stiff body language, the way he running and some detail movements that he perfectly presented.

而美國版是由 「Freddie Highmore」飾演。 Freddie Highmore 就沒有像周元那樣,駝背走路。但他將少於跟人眼神的互動溝通、僵硬的肢體語言詮釋得更棒,還有他跑步的方式、一些細節的動作都完美呈現。不塊是童星出身!這演技確實能夠獨挑大樑

Shaun’s childhood is very tragic, because he can’t communicate with others, which he was bullied by the same age child. And even his dad abused him and killed his rabbit in front of him; however, his brother who took care of him fell to the ground and dead in front of him.

Shaun 的童年生活很慘烈,因為不擅交談、交際,導致同年齡的孩子會欺負他。就連自己的爸爸也虐待他,甚至將他的兔子在他面前給摔死,讓他受到創傷。就連照顧他的弟弟,也在他眼前摔死。(我想這對不論是否有學者症候群的小朋友,都會形成嚴重的創傷吧)

Dr. Ira Glassman noticed his talent when Shaun was 14 years old, since then he taught him and took care of him like another father. Dr.Ira Glassman is the director of San Bonaventura Hospital, that he persuaded the senior staff in the hospital to give him six months to believe that Shaun was the most suitable choice for a good doctor.

在 Shaun 14 歲時 Ira Glassman 醫生注意到他的天賦。從此後開始輔導他,就像另一個父親依樣細心照顧他。 Glassman 現任於 San Bonaventura 醫院的院長,說服了院內高層給他六個月的時間,他們相信 Shaun 是一個最適合的選擇

In the first episode, Shaun saw an accident at the airport and he rescued a young boy who wasn’t breath and hit by an accident when he set off to San Bonaventura Hospital, which he prove to the board that he has potential.

在第一集裡,Shaun 出發去 San Bonaventura 醫院時,在機場直擊了一場意外,現場解救了一個沒有呼吸的年輕男孩,剛好為 Glassman 在董事會時爭了一口氣 ​,讓醫院裡反對他的人看到他的潛力

I think that the American version of “Good Doctor” is better than the Korean version, because every episode has different patients and each patient has a different story. Like some people, in order to reach the peak of life, even if they lose the left half of their consciousness, they want to seize the opportunity to survive; some people want to give up the first aid because they lose hope for the world, etc. Which means not every doctor can save everyone.

Through these different stories, I think not only the actor Shaun learns things, as the audience, we also can learn different perspectives. Although the entire drama is based on Shaun, other characters also have their own stories, which not everything happened in the main actor. But the Korean version is mostly centered on the male lead of “Park Shiwen”, the other characters don’t have their story, that is a little pity.

我個人認為美國版的「Good Doctor」比韓國版的好看,因為每一集都有不同的病患,而在每個病患上,都有著不同的故事。像是有些人,為了想要比賽到達人生的高峰,就算會失去左半邊的知覺,也想抓住機會活下來;而也些人卻因為對世界失去希望,想放棄急救等等…訴說著並不是每個醫生都能救到人

透過這些不同的故事,我想不僅男主角 Shaun 學習到東西外,身為觀眾的我們也會學習到一些不同的觀點,整部影集雖是以 Shaun 為主軸,但其他角色也都有自己的故事,不僅僅只在男主角身上。而韓國版大多圍繞在「朴施溫」男主角身上居多,其他角色就沒太多的故事性,這是比較可惜的地方

Sometimes it intersperses the situations he encountered as a child when Shaun get some situations, which as the audience, we can clearly understand why shape his current personality.

有時候 Shaun 在遇到某些情況時,會穿插他小時候遇到的情境。讓身為觀眾的我們更淺顯易懂的了解他小時候遇見的事情,而造就他現在的個性,也讓我們更了解,他為何有這樣的想法出現

There are many special shooting methods in the drama, so that we can know what Shaun is thinking. Such like there will be a 3D picture next to it when he is thinking, which we don’t need to imagined by our own. I think this is a great idea to present the image of what Shaun is thinking.

劇中有很多特殊的拍攝手法,讓我們可以知道 Shaun 的腦中在想什麼,像是他在思考的時候,旁邊會有個 3D 圖告訴我們,不會讓我們自己憑空去想像,讓我覺得這就是美劇厲害的地方,並這種方式,更能簡單地呈現 Shaun 腦中蘊含著一般人無法運算的資訊

The American drama version of Shaun is a surgeon, while the Korean version of Park Shiwen is a pediatrician.

I think it ’s much more difficult for a surgeon, because it’s a variety of situations to face, whether it is adults or childrens. It’s necessary to give the fastest and correct information to avoid delaying the golden time to help them. I think they both have their own difficulties, just I don’t know about it. Also, in this drama, I think it’s super realistically during the surgery!

美劇版的 Shaun 是個外科醫生,而韓國版的 朴施溫 是個小兒科醫生



The good doctor is not a boring medical drama. On the contrary, we can learn a lot from it, such as arousing our attention to some special friends, seeing some problems we usually don’t see it, thinking about some perspectives on life, etc. I hope you will enjoy watching this drama and learning something different things.

The good doctor 並不是一部艱澀無趣的醫療影集,相反地我們可以從中學習到很多東西,像是引發我們對特別朋友的重視、看見一些我們平時看不太到的問題、思考一些人生觀等等…



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