
How to wear all black without losing your style.

Classical all black

Many people assume that wearing an all-black ensemble means adopting a “classical” style. But some of them just wear black T-shirt and black pants totally without any details. Those people would be wrong. Because you need to have details when you wear all the same color. However, all-black outfit doesn’t have to mean losing your own personal style. In fact, you can easily achieve any look just by simply selecting the right jewelry, accessories, and pieces of clothing. Just like what I said in HOW TO WEAR NUDE COLOR. Those point that I said in this article is appropriate to any color when you wear the same color.

The details & How do I dressing up:
1. classical black leather coat with belt to show your waist.

2. In order to have a image of killer legs that I wearing the-over-knee booties to get a perfect proportions. And I choose the vintage black jeans to match it. kinda a different black.

3. According to the weather is too cold for me, I wear the black bucket wool hat to matching my outfit.

4. However, I don’t wanna this outfits is monotony, I using metallic earring and the metallic frame sunglasses to get some different point on this outfits.


細節 & 我如何搭配:


2. 為了擁有像超模般的雙腿形象,我穿著過膝靴去拉高比例以獲得完美比例。然而,我選擇了老式的黑色牛仔褲來搭配它。是有點不同的黑色。



What am I wearing?


Black leather coat / vintage black pants / the over-knee booties : Zara

Sunglasses : Gentle Monster

Black bucket wool hat : from the local market in Paris. 


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