
Outfit : All Black for Work.

Business women

If you’ve ever worked in an office, attended a corporate meeting or had a professional interview, you’ll no doubt understand the challenge of dressing for business. Today, business attire is more confusing than ever before, and striking the perfect balance of professionalism and style can be tricky.

The reason why I create the MsAmanda 0 to 1 blog.

However, if you have read this article, then you may know recently I’ve work in an agency of forex, that I have to work in an office. So I have to dressing appropriate workwear.

如果你曾經在辦公室工作,參加過公司會議或進行過專業面試,那麼你無疑將了解為公司著裝帶來的挑戰。 如今,商務著裝比以往任何時候都更加令人困惑,要達到專業水平和風格的完美平衡可能會很棘手。

但是,如果你之前閱讀過「我為什麼創建 msamanda 0 to 1 的部落格,那麼你可能最近知道我在一家外匯公司工作,我必須在辦公室工作。 所以我必須穿合適的工作服。

The details & How do I dressing up:

Business attire is a formal dress code for many offices and corporate events. It denotes a professional style of dress that appears smart and sophisticated. For men, a suit is generally required. Women, on the other hand, can interpret business attire in a range of ways. 

Therefore, I wearing a simple black cropped strap top with black high-waisted trousers, which is all-black style inside. In the end, I match with a plaid blazer to complete business workwear. Oh I never forget about the accessory which is my sunglasses with metal chain, that makes me looking more chic.


商務著裝是許多辦公室和公司活動的正式著裝規定。 它代表著專業的著裝風格,顯得聰明而精緻。 對於男性,通常需要西裝。 另一方面,女性可以以多種方式解釋商務著裝。

因此,我穿了一條帶黑色高腰長褲的簡單黑色短款上衣,裡面是全黑風格。 最後,我搭配格子西裝外套來搭配商務工作服。 哦,我永遠不會忘記配件,這是我的帶金屬鏈的太陽鏡,這使我看起來更加時尚。

What am I wearing?

Top :  Émffei

Trousers : Zara  

Sunglasses : Spring Strings
Blazer : bought it from Korea
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