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[ Attraction ]The Original Starbucks Coffee in Seattle

The Original Starbucks Coffee

The world’s first Starbucks coffee shop opened at Pike Place Market of Seattle, Washington in 1971 that is the most famous of the coffee chains locations and it can still be found with its original look and feel in the same location. But there is a secret that you should know is this one is not actually the first store of Starbucks, which is the second location. The first Starbucks cafe was located at 2000 Western Avenue from 1971–1976 and it was moved to 1912 Pike Place market (it’s present location ) on the heavy foot traffic of the market.

I believe you could easily miss the small shop with all the hustle and bustle going on around you as what I did lol,  but chances are there will be a line of loyal enthusiasts out the door that you probably will curious about what it is, which causing you to stop and take notice!

The store has stayed with their original colors, the floors, the fixtures, the counters and appearance to pay homage to their humble beginnings, and while still serving coffee. So many people line up to visit the Original Starbucks everyday for the chance to see their coffee made with vintage manual espresso machines and to take photos with the weathered brown logo long since moved to the history books of Starbucks’ beginnings.

1971年,全球第一家星巴克咖啡店在華盛頓州西雅圖的派克市場(Pike Place Market)開業,這是咖啡連鎖店中最著名的一家,並且在同一位置仍然可以看到其原始外觀。不過你應該要知道一個小秘密,這實際上不是星巴克的第一家商店,而是第二家商店。在真正的創始店開店後,創始者才決定在1912年搬到幾個街區外的派克市場,以利用繁華的人流去開業市場。 從1971年至1976年,第一家星巴克咖啡廳位於西大街2000號。 



As the mother of more than 20,000 (and counting) Starbucks® locations around the world, it’s smaller than you might expect. And yet it attracts thousands of tourists and locals day in and day out — people who come to connect over a cup, or share a moment.

If you have an opportunity to visit Seattle, I hope you wouldn’t miss this Starkbucks that it has stayed with their original style.

作為全球超過20,000個(並在不斷增加)星巴克®分店的母親,它會比您預期的要小。 不過它卻日復一日地吸引著成千上萬的遊客和當地人-來喝杯茶或分享一時的人們。


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